
[配件] MOFT Snap iPad保護殼+平板支架

平常我帶 iPad 出門會用兩種不同保護殼做替換 UAG Metropolis for iPad Pro 11" 一個是 UAG 的 Metropolis 保護殼,幾乎全都包,但缺點就是角度比較少,也有點厚重,但保護性相當不錯。 MOFT Float for iPad ...

星期三, 11月 29, 2006

【Mac】Security Update 2006-007

蘋果於稍早推出了今年度第七次的安全更新。本次的安全更新主要修正了包括 AirPort、Finder、PHP、VPN、Perl 等多項系統元件的問題。

值得大家注意的是,本次更新中最重要的一點,就是修正了 Mac OS X 在以往執行安裝程式時,若是使用者具有管理者的權限,就不會出現認證視窗的問題。近日有系統安全公司所公佈 Mac OS X 的潛在安全問題,就是藉由這個漏洞來滲透進入使用者的系統。

安全更新 2006-007 提供了 Mac OS X 10.4.8 以及 10.3.9 的個人版以及伺服器版本更新。網友們可至蘋果的支援網站自行下載對應的版本,或是使用軟體更新來下載升級檔案。

Security Update 2006-007 is out for Panther and Tiger. From the control panel:

Security Update 2006-007 is recommended for all users and improves the security of the following components:

Font Book
Font Importer
Security Framework

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=61798


星期二, 9月 26, 2006

【Mac】Security Update 2006-005

蘋果電腦發表了 AirPort 的驅動程式更新。根據蘋果表示,日前在 Black Hat 會議上有名駭客宣稱找到了 AirPort 的安全漏洞,並且在會議中展示入侵 MacBook 的影片,但在事後這兩位人士始終無法提供蘋果任何資料來證實此一漏洞,Apple 的工程師在經過詳細的的調查之後,自行找出了幾個潛在的安全性問題,並在今天推出的安全防護升級當中解決了這幾個問題。除了 AirPort 更新之外,蘋果也推出了安全更新 2006-005,內容同樣是在解決使用 AirPort 無線網路時,所潛在的安全危險性。

此次安全更新有 PowerPC 版本以及 Universal 雙平台版本,而若是系統版本號碼為 8J2135 或是 8J2135a 的電腦則必須下載 AirPort 2006-001 的更新才行。不知道如何看版本號碼的網友們可至「蘋果清單 / 關於這台 Mac」中查詢,或是直接使用系統更新功能來自動幫您下載適當的升級檔案。

Apple 建議所有的 Mac OS X 用戶透過系統更新功能來下載安裝這個 AirPort 的更新程式,以提升系統的安全。


Blogged with Flock

星期一, 9月 11, 2006


















Blogged with Flock

星期六, 8月 05, 2006

【網路相簿】Google Picasa Web Albums 上傳工具

Google 推出了 Mac 版的 Picasa Web Albums 上傳工具, 包括一個 iPhoto 的 plugin 與獨立的應用程式, 可讓照片上傳更加方便。

Picasa Web Albums

【Mac】Security Update 2006-004

蘋果公布 Mac OS X 安全防護更新 2006-004,解決 Mac OS X 10.3/10.4 裡的一些安全性問題,影響的部份包括 AFP Server、AppKit、ImageIO、Bluetooth、Setup Assistant、Bom、DHCP、dyld、fetchmail、gunzip、Image RAW、LaunchServices、OpenSSH、telnet、WebKit 等。使用者可藉系統的軟體更新功能進行更新,或至蘋果網站下載更新程式

星期一, 7月 31, 2006

【Mac】Flip4Mac 推出雙平台版本

Flip4Mac 推出雙平台版本

在經過一段時間的測試之後,Flip4Mac 這個微軟所指定的 Mac 平台 WMV 格式播放程式,終於在今天推出了 2.1 版的正式版本。

新的版本除了支援 Universal Binary 雙平台之外,也針對 PowerPC 的執行效能做了最佳化,並新增支援 MMS 串流格式、支援取消瀏覽器儲存選項等不少功能。網友們可按下連結前往下載免費版本使用。


星期五, 7月 14, 2006




Originally uploaded by roach168.


Originally uploaded by roach168.



星期四, 7月 13, 2006



【Mac】Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.2.5 更新

This update fixes vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac that an attacker can use to overwrite the contents of your computer's memory with malicious code. This update also fixes issues in Microsoft Entourage 2004 for Mac and includes all of the improvements released in all previous Office 2004 updates.
簡單的說,就是快去更新就對了,特別是有使用 Entourage 的使用者


星期二, 7月 04, 2006

【Mac】Mac OS攻擊碼現蹤

鎖定蘋果電腦Mac OS X作業系統瑕疵的攻擊程式已於28日在網路上現蹤,使得修補時間更加緊迫。


蘋果於27日釋出Mac OS X 10.4.7,共修補五個瑕疵,其中四個影響客版Mac OS X,另一個位於ClamAV防毒軟體,會影響伺服器系統。蘋果建議使用者安裝所有的更新。

一名公司代表說:「這個概念驗證碼(利用的瑕疵)已在27日的Mac OS X 10.4.7更新中解決。」製作該程式的Kevin Finisterre是Digital Munition的安全研究員,他也製作過利用蘋果藍芽軟體缺陷,攻擊Mac OS X的電腦蠕蟲Inqtana。他表示,這些行動是為了展現蘋果的軟體並非固若金湯。

蘋果電腦使用者可透過Software Update或個別電腦的安裝器下載Max OS X 10.4.7。Mac OS通常每週自動檢查最近的更新。

另外,蘋果也在29日提供iTunes 6.0.5更新,修補一項可被用來發動阻絕服務式攻擊,或遠端執行程式的安全問題。該公司在其安全網站上表示:「iTunes 6.0.5之前版本的ACC檔案分析程式,含有一個整數溢流弱點。分析到特製的惡意ACC檔,可造成iTunes終止,或可能執行強制程式。」

蘋果表示,受影響的包括Mac OS X 10.2.8之後的各版,和微軟Windows XP與2000版的iTunes。


星期五, 6月 30, 2006

【Mac】iTune 6.0.5 & iPod Updater 2006-06-28

【iTune 6.0.5】

- With iTunes 6, you can preview, buy, and download music videos, short films, and hit TV programs on the iTunes Music Store, and sync your music and purchased videos with iPod to enjoy on the go.

iTunes 6.0.5 allows you to sync your Nike + iPod workout data to nikeplus.com, where you can easily track your progress, set training goals, challenge others, and much more. Visit the Nike Sport Music area on the iTunes Music Store to download workout mixes, Athlete Inspiration playlists, Nike podcasts, and more.

Note: After purchasing music from the iTunes Music Store with iTunes 6 or later, you also need to upgrade your other computers that purchase music from the iTunes Music Store to the latest version of iTunes.

下載位置 19.8MB

【iPod Updater 2006-06-28】

About iPod Updater 2006-06-28
iPod Updater 2006-06-28 includes:

-New iPod Software 1.1.2 for iPod
-New iPod Software 1.2 for iPod nano
-New iPod Software 1.1.4 for iPod shuffle

iPod Updater 2006-06-28 contains the same software versions as iPod Updater 2006-03-23 for all other iPod models.

To learn how to use your iPod with step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow movies, see the iPod tutorials at http://www.apple.com/support/ipod/howto/.

Click Learn More in each tutorial to see more great tips and instructions.

And be sure to check out iPod 101, our fun, free series of online courses that'll teach you everything about using iPod, iTunes, and the iTunes Music Store.

For more information, visit http://www.apple.com/support/ipod101/.

Note: If you aren't sure which iPod you have, and you want to find out if your iPod needs updating, follow the directions below to use iPod Updater 2006-06-28. If the software on your iPod can be updated, the Update button in the updater application will be available.

iPod Updater 2006-06-28 delivers the following software:
Features of iPod Software 1.1.2 for iPod:
-Bug fixes

Features of iPod Software 1.2 for iPod nano:
-Nike + iPod support
-Bug fixes

Features of iPod Software 1.1.4 for iPod shuffle:
-Volume limit
-Bug fixes

Note: iTunes 6.0.5 or later required to set a maximum volume limit for iPod shuffle. For information about how to set the maximum volume limit, open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes and Music Store Help.
System Requirements

To install and use iPod Software 1.1.2 for iPod, you need:
- An iPod
- A PC with a USB port or card (USB 2.0 recommended)
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
- iTunes 6 or later
- Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 or Elements 3.0

iTunes is included on the iPod + iTunes CD. To ensure you have the latest version of iTunes, go to http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/.

Note: iTunes versions earlier than 6 are supported for music, photo, and podcast syncing only and will not sync videos properly with iPod.

To install and use iPod Software 1.2 for iPod nano, you need:

An iPod nano
A PC with a USB port or card (USB 2.0 recommended)
Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
iTunes 4.9 or later
Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 or Elements 3.0

To install and use iPod Software 1.2.1 for iPod with color display, you need:
-An iPod with color display
-A PC with a high-power USB 2.0 port or card, or a FireWire port or card
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
- iTunes 4.7 or later
- Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 or Elements 3.0

Note: iTunes versions earlier than 4.9 are supported for music and photo syncing only and will not sync podcasts properly with iPod.

To install and use iPod Software 1.1.4 for iPod shuffle, you need:
- An iPod shuffle
- A PC with a USB port* or card
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
- iTunes 5.0.1 or later

Note: iTunes versions earlier than 4.7.1 are not supported and will not sync music properly with iPod shuffle.
*Some computers require either the optional iPod shuffle dock or a USB cable extender (sold separately).
To install and use iPod Software 1.4.1 for iPod mini and iPod Software 3.1.1 for iPod with Click Wheel, you need:

- An iPod mini or an iPod with Click Wheel
- A PC with a high-power USB 2.0 port or card, or a FireWire port or card
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
- iTunes 4.7 or later

Note: iTunes versions earlier than 4.9 are supported for music syncing only and will not sync podcasts properly with iPod.

To install and use iPod Software 2.3 for iPod with dock connector, you need:
- An iPod with dock connector
- A PC with a high-power USB 2.0 port or card, or a FireWire port or card
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
- iTunes 4.7 or later

To install and use iPod Software 1.5 for iPod with touch wheel or scroll wheel, you need:
An iPod with touch wheel or scroll wheel
A PC with a FireWire port or card
Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
iTunes 4.7 or later

Using iPod Updater 2006-06-28

To install and open the iPod Updater:
1. Open iPodsetup.exe on the iPod + iTunes CD or from the web download at www.apple.com/ipod.
2. Connect your iPod to your computer. If you are using USB, make sure iPod is connected to a high-power USB port on your computer. Be aware that USB keyboards and non-powered USB hubs generally do not have high-power USB ports.
3. Run iPod Updater 2006-06-28.exe from Start\All Programs\iPod\iPod Updater 2006-06-28.
4. When iPod Updater opens, click Update or Restore.

Choosing Update or Restore

iPod Updater 2006-06-28 has two functions, Update and Restore.
Update: If you choose Update, the software on your iPod is updated with the new version of software. Songs and other data on iPod are not affected. If your iPod already has up-to-date software, the Update choice is not available. Restore: If you choose Restore, the entire contents of iPod are erased, all iPod settings are reset, and new software is installed.

WARNING: Choosing Restore erases all of the music and other data on iPod.

下載位置 49MB

星期四, 6月 29, 2006

【Mac軟體】Adobe Flash Player 9.0 & Yahoo Messenger 3.0beta1

Adobe 正式發表 Flash Player 9

繼前不久開放公開測試後,Adobe 在今天正式發表了 Flash Player 9。這個最新一代的 Flash 播放器除了具有安全性高以及速度提升等特點外,對於 Mac user 來說最重要的改進之處,就是 Adobe 將會在近期發表 Universal Binary 的版本。因此在未來 Intel Mac 的用戶也可以在原生的狀態下播放網路上的 Flash 動畫內容。

現在是使用 PowerMac 以及 Windows 的朋友們可以透過相關連結,前往 Adobe 的網站去下載正式版的 Flash Player 9 安裝程式。


Yahoo Messenger 3.0b1

Yahoo! 在今天發表了 3.0 測試版的 Yahoo Messenger 簡訊軟體。新版本的 YM 新增加了跨平台的視訊連線功能、多人語音會議、圖片顯示、Unicode 支援、檔案傳輸、手機簡訊等功能,其使用者界面也完全重新設計,使用 Mac OS X 的標準使用者界面外觀。Yahoo! 並表示在未來他們將會提供與 MSN 用戶傳送簡訊的能力。

您若也是 Yahoo Messenger 的用戶,不妨前往他們的網站去下載這個新版本的軟體回來使用看看。

Version 3.0b1:

* Entirely new user interface written in Cocoa designed specifically for the Mac OS X operating system
* Yahoo! Avatars and Display Images
* Custom stealth settings
* Webcam support, compatible across PCs and Macs
* Custom Status messages, including links to music tracks
* Animated sign-in, sign-out, and contact list
* All new sound effects
* Visual notifications with support for the Growl global notification system
* Alerts for Yahoo! Calendar, Mail and Personals
* Coming soon: In the future, support for interoperability with Windows Live (MSN) Messenger


Technorati Tags:

星期三, 6月 28, 2006

【Mac】Mac OS X 10.4.7 & QuickTime 7.1.2 Update

【Mac OS X 10.4.7】

Please Remember repair boot disk permissions before you update to 10.4.7.
Application --> Disk Utility --> choose Hard Disk --> Repair Disk permission

Now available through software update. Be sure to download PPC or Intel (two different files).

- The 10.4.7 Update is recommended for all users and includes general operating system fixes, as well as specific fixes for the following applications and technologies.
It includes fixes for:

- sharing using AFP, SMB/CIFS, NFS and FTP file sharing protocols
- reliable access to Open Directory, LDAP and Active Directory services
- login and authentication in a variety of network environments
- file access and byte range locking with AFP file sharing
- network access when using proxy server automatic configuration files
- connecting to Cisco VPN servers using IP/Sec and NAT
- AirPort and Bluetooth wireless connectivity
- RAW camera support, including updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
- usability of Dashboard and widgets
- searching iWork '06 and Microsoft Office documents with Spotlight
- saving Word documents automatically when using a network home directory
- viewing of QuickTime streaming media behind a firewall
- audio playback in QuickTime, iTunes, Final Cut Pro, and Soundtrack Pro applications
- ensuring icons are spaced correctly when viewed on desktop
- determining the space required to burn folders
- synchronizing contacts, bookmarks, and calendars to .Mac and mobile phones
- mounting and unmounting iDisk volumes
- time zone and daylight savings for 2006 and 2007
- Address Book, AppleScript, Automator, Dictionary, Font Book, iCal, iChat, DVD Player, Keynote, Mail, Preview, Safari, and Stickies
- Disk Utility, Keychain Access, Migration Assistant, and Software Update
- compatibility with third party applications and devices
- previous Mac OS X updates and standalone security updates

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n303771. This is the delta update

Information for combined update

All updates could be found here.

For detailed information on Security Updates, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n61798.

推薦所有使用者使用“10.4.7 更新”,它包含了一般的作業系統修正,以及對以下應用程式和技術的特定修正。它包含以下修正:

- 防止發生 AFP 死結和連線斷開的情形
- 將 Adobe 和 Quark 文件儲存到 AFP 裝載的卷宗
- Bluetooth 檔案傳送、配對和連接 Bluetooth 滑鼠,以及同步至行動電話
- QuickTime、iTunes、Final Cut Pro 和 Soundtrack 應用程式中的音訊播放功能
- 當在桌面上檢視圖像時,確保圖像的間隔距離正確
- 判斷燒錄檔案夾所需的空間
- iChat 音訊和視訊連線,以及使用 AIM 建立聊天室
- 將檔案輸入到 Keynote 3
- 當使用 iCal 和 iPhoto 時的 PDF 工作流程
- 可靠地使用工作流程中的 Automator 動作
- 在“字體簿”中輸入和移除字體
- 同步位址、書籤、行事曆事件和檔案至 .Mac
- 與協力廠商應用程式和裝置的相容性
- 之前獨立的安全更新項目



【QuickTime 7.1.2】

QuickTime 7.1.2 addresses an issue previewing iDVD projects. This update is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.

QuickTime 7.1.2 解決了關於預覽iDVD計畫案的問題。建議所有 QuickTime 7 的使用者皆安裝此更新項目


星期三, 6月 21, 2006

【Mac】iPhoto 6.0.4 & Aperture 1.1.2

Apple 在今天稍早貼出了 iLife '06 套件之一 iPhoto 6 的軟體更新。根據蘋果所附上的說明文件,這個軟體更新主要新增加了多款的圖片賀卡與明信片的樣板,另外也根據季節增添了夏季風格之派對請帖與謝卡設計,讓美國地區的使用者在利用 iPhoto 來訂製卡片時可以有更多的選擇。


About iPhoto 6
iPhoto has always been the best way to easily import photos from your digital camera, organize them for fast retrieval, and then share them with family and friends. Now you get even more with iPhoto 6.

Learn more about iPhoto.

For a complete list of new features and improvements in iPhoto 6, go to www.apple.com/iphoto, or look in iPhoto Help, available in the Help menu when iPhoto is open.

1. iPhoto print services are available in the U.S., Canada, Japan, and select European countries; Requires Internet access; Fees and terms apply.
2. .Mac account required for iPhoto Photocast publishing.
3. Mac OS X version 10.4.4 required for iPhoto Photocasts.

For optimum performance, update your system software to the latest version of Mac OS X.
To make sure you have the latest version, choose Apple (?) > System Preferences and click Software Update.
Click Update Now to retrieve updates for your system.
After you install an update, it?s a good idea to click Update Now again to make sure you?ve received all the updates that are available.
You must have a connection to the Internet to use Software Update.

For a list of printers and digital cameras that work with iPhoto, see the iPhoto website at www.apple.com/iphoto.

Installing iPhoto 6

Before installing, it is recommended that you make a backup copy of your iPhoto library folder, which is located in your Pictures folder.

If you receive a message that you do not have sufficient privileges to install this software, click the lock icon in the installer and enter an administrator user name and password.
The administrator name is shown in the Users pane of System Preferences.
For more information, see Mac Help, available in the Help menu.

Finding answers and instructions

-Application-specific Help: For detailed instructions on using iPhoto, open the onscreen help (available in the Help menu when iPhoto is open).

-Product Information: For general product information and updates, visit the iPhoto website at www.apple.com/iphoto.


Aperture 1.1.2

Designed from the ground up for professional photographers, Aperture provides everything you need for after the shoot, delivering the first all-in-one post-production tool for photographers.

Learn more about Aperture

What’s New in this Version
- Addresses issues related to overall reliability and performance.

星期五, 6月 16, 2006

【Mac】Bluetooth Firmware Update 1.2.1 (PPC)

About This Update
The Bluetooth Firmware Update 1.2.1 improves Bluetooth performance and reliability issues.

When the update package is downloaded, the Bluetooth Firmware Updater application will be launched. Follow the on screen directions to update your Bluetooth Firmware.

Please note that if you were successful in installing Bluetooth Firmware Update version 1.2. This update is not needed.

蘋果於稍早發佈了 PowerPC Mac 平台的 Bluetooth Firmware Update 1.2.1,改進了藍芽的執行效能和修正一些安全問題。此項更新程式會在下載完成後自動開啟,只需依照螢幕上的指示,即可順利完成更新。不過蘋果的支援網頁也提醒:若是先前已經更新至 Bluetooth Firmware 1.2 版,則可以不用安裝此 1.2.1 版更新,網友們可直接點選連結前往下載此項更新。


【Mac】Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.2.4 Update

This update fixes vulnerabilities in Office 2004 for Mac that an attacker can use to overwrite the contents of your computer's memory with malicious code. This update also fixes issues in Microsoft PowerPoint 2004 and Entourage 2004, and it includes all of the improvements released in all previous Office 2004 updates.

據微軟表示,此次的更新 "修正了 Office 2004 for Mac 被使用惡意程式碼改寫記憶體內容的問題,也修正了 PowerPoint 2004、Entourage 2004 的一些問題,並包含之前所有 Office 2004 的更新內容"。使用者可直接使用安裝 Office 2004 for Mac 時所提供的 Microsoft AutoUpdate 更新程式來自動安裝此項目。


星期三, 5月 31, 2006

【Mac】SuperDrive Firmware Update v2.0

The SuperDrive Firmware Update fixes burning speeds when writing to certain recordable DVD media.

You can print these instructions and refer to them while you are updating the firmware.

System Requirements

- Mac OS X v10.3.9 Panther or Mac OS X v10.4.6 Tiger
- DVD Drive UJ-835
- One of the following products:
PowerBook G4 (12 -inch 1.5GHz)
PowerBook G4 (15-inch 1.33GHz, 1.5GHz, or 1.67GHz)
PowerBook G4 (17-inch 1.67GHz)
iMac G5 (17-inch 1.6GHz or 1.8GHz)
iMac G5 (20-inch 1.8GHz)
Mac mini G4

If you have a DVD drive UJ-845 this update will not apply and you will get the message "No devices were found that require this firmware update."

Installing the SuperDrive Firmware Update

Follow these steps to install the update:
1. Save all open documents and quit all applications.
2. Double-click the SuperDrive Firmware Update icon.

If you meet the system requirements and cannot update the firmware using this program, contact your local Apple Authorized Service Provider or an Apple Store retail location.

Important: Do not reset, shut down, or turn off power to your computer while updating the firmware. Doing so may damage your SuperDrive.

File Size: 7.3MB

星期五, 5月 26, 2006

【Mac】iWeb 1.1.1

iWeb is the easiest way to share your photos, movies, audio and playlists* on the Internet via stunning web pages, online photo albums, blogs, and podcasts. Apple-designed templates let you create beautiful websites in minutes, and the iLife Media Browser makes adding your media as simple as drag and drop. You can even select items from within the other iLife applications and send it directly to iWeb. With a single click, iWeb encodes your pages, updates your RSS feeds, adds any required passwords, announces your site to friends and family, and publishes everything directly to .Mac.

Learn more about iweb

What’s New in this Version
iWeb 1.1.1 refines comment and search support for blogs and podcasts published to .Mac. It also resolves a some issues related to publishing sites to .Mac.

iWeb 1.1.1 Updater will update your iWeb version 1.0, 1.0.1, or 1.1 if it is in your Applications folder and you have not changed its name. You need an administrator password to install this software. The administrator name is shown in the Accounts or Users pane of System Preferences. For more information, see Mac Help, available in the Help menu. For more information on how to use iWeb, see iWeb Help, available in the Help menu when the application is open, or go to www.apple.com/support/iweb.

Finding answers and instructions
iWeb Help:
Open the iWeb help that is available when the application is open for onscreen Help, printable documents to get you started, and a set of online multimedia tutorials (online tutorials are also available at www.apple.com/ilife/tutorials/iweb).

Apple Online Support and Updates:
If you have a question that is not addressed in iWeb onscreen help or tutorials, open iWeb Support that is available in the Help menu when the application is open and you are connected to the Internet (or go to www.apple.com/support/iweb).

Product Information:
For general product information, go to www.apple.com/ilife/iweb.

* A note about copyright
This software may be used to reproduce materials. It is licensed to you only for reproduction of non-copyrighted materials, materials in which you own the copyright, or materials you are authorized or legally permitted to reproduce. If you are uncertain about your right to copy any material, contact your legal advisor.

File Size: 88.8MB

星期一, 5月 15, 2006

【Mac】iMovie HD 6.0.2 & iDVD 6.0.2

【iMovie HD 6.0.2】

With an abundance of powerful new features and possibilities, iMovie HD 6 continues to be the fastest and easiest way to turn a home video into your own Hollywood-style hit that you can share with family and friends via iDVD, email, your iPod or other compatible mobile device. And iMovie HD 6 is the easiest way to create a video podcast, which you can share with the world via the Internet with iWeb and .Mac.

Learn more about iMovie

What’s New in this Version
This update to iMovie HD 6 addresses issues with Ken Burns rendering performance, scrubber bar editing performance, theme image quality, PAL audio, and displaying iLife Sound Effects automatically in its iLife Media Browser. It also improves overall stability and addresses a number of other minor issues.
Additional requirements:
High definition video (HDV) requires a minimum of a 1GHz G4 or faster processor and 512MB of RAM
Mac OS X v10.4.4 is required for iMovie motion themes and real-time effects A .Mac account is recommended for iWeb; fees and terms apply

For the latest news and information about iMovie HD, go to the iMovie HD website at www.apple.com/ilife/imovie.

Additional requirements:
-To install iMovie HD 6.0.2, you need:
Macintosh computer with a PowerPC G4, PowerPC G5, or Intel Core processor (512 MB of RAM required for HDV support)
256MB of RAM; 512MB recommended
Mac OS X v10.3.9 or v10.4.3 or later; Mac OS X v10.4.4 recommended
QuickTime v7.0.4 or later (v7.0.4 included with iLife 06)

For optimum performance, update your system software to the latest version of Mac OS X and QuickTime.
To make sure you have the latest versions, choose Apple> System Preferences and click Software Update. Click Check Now or Update Now to retrieve updates for your system. After you install an update, it is a good idea to click Check Now or Update Now again to make sure you have received all the updates that are available. You must have a connection to the Internet to use Software Update.

Installing iMovie HD 6.0.2 Updater

iMovie HD 6.0.2 Updater will update your iMovie HD version 6.0 or 6.0.1 if it is in your Applications folder and you have not changed its name. You need an administrator password to install this software. The administrator name is shown in the Accounts or Users pane of System Preferences. For more information, see Mac Help, available in the Help menu. .

For more information on how to use iMovie HD, see iMovie HD Help, available in the Help menu when the application is open, or go to www.apple.com/support/imovie.

Finding answers and instructions

iMovie HD Help:
Open the iMovie help that is available when the application is open for onscreen Help, printable documents to get you started, and a set of online multimedia tutorials (online tutorials are also available at www.apple.com/ilife/tutorials/imovie.

Apple Online Support and Updates:
If you have a question that is not addressed in iMovie HD onscreen help or tutorials, open iMovie HD Support that is available in the Help menu when the application is open and you are connected to the Internet (or go to www.apple.com/support/imovie).

Product Information:
For general product information and updates, go to www.apple.com/ilife/imovie.

Combo 54.6MB
Update 7MB

【iDVD 6.0.2】

iDVD continues its tradition as the best and easiest way to make Hollywood-style DVDs. Simply take your movies,photos, and music and burn a DVD that play on virtually any DVD player to share with family and friends. iDVD provides a host of new features, including creating widescreen DVDs, having more creative control, even letting Magic iDVD help you create a DVD project automatically, and new themes. And now iDVD allows you to use either a SuperDrive or compatible third-party DVD burner.

Learn more about iDVD

This update to iDVD 6 resolves issues with integration with the other iLife applications, importing of legacy projects and some theme related issues. It also addresses a number of other minor issues.

For more information on iDVD, see the web page at http://www.apple.com/ilife/idvd

Update 5MB

Technorati Tags:

星期四, 5月 11, 2006

【Mac】Quicktime 7.1, Security Update 2006-003, FrontRow 1.2.2

QuickTime 7.1

QuickTime 7.1 is an important release that delivers numerous bug fixes, support for iLife ’06, and H.264 performance improvements. This update is highly recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.
新版本 提供了數個重要的錯誤修正,並解決了嚴重的安全性問題。強烈建議所有的 QuickTime 7 使用者進行更新。

Security Update 2006-003

建議所有使用者都安裝 Security Update 2006-003,它為以下組件增進了安全性:
AppKit , Bom , CFNetwor , CoreFoundation , CoreGraphics , curl , Finder , Flash Player Plug-in , ImageIO , LaunchServices , Mail , Preview , QuickDraw , Ruby , Safari , securityd

Front Row 1.2.2

Bugs fixed in 1.2.2 include:
- Addresses bugs that prevented song shuffling within playlists
- Front row no longer says the server was not found when its waiting for a large movie trailer or long shared video to load
- Corrects bugs that prevented authorized Audible Audiobooks from playing
- Fixes a variety of DVD compatibility issues
- Purchased movies located in the Movies folder are now correctly recognized
- Includes a variety of fixes for VoiceOver accessibility
- Fixes a bug that prevented Front Row from reconnecting to shared video libraries after wake from sleep
FrontRow 1.2.2 則是改進了播放 iTunes 音樂列表、連線觀看預告片時找不到伺服器、DVD 播放相容性、語音控制等問題,新版 FrontRow 也新增了全螢幕播放的功能。使用者可直接使用軟體更新來安裝這些項目,或是至蘋果官方的支援網頁下載更新檔案自行安裝。

星期四, 5月 04, 2006



星期一, 4月 24, 2006

【Mac】GarageBand 3.0.2 Update

About this update
The best way to create music on a Mac is now the best way to create podcasts, too. The podcast recording studio in GarageBand 3 puts you in the control room of your own full-featured radio station. Get your voice on the Internet in just a few minutes.

Learn more about GarageBand.

What’s New in this Version
- GarageBand 3.0.2 addresses issues with video handling, podcast exporting, and importing QuickTime markers. It also addresses a number of other minor issues.

主要解決影片處理、podcast 輸出、QuickTime 標記輸入等問題。更新程式適用於 PowerPC 與 Intel 的 Mac。

星期四, 4月 20, 2006



星期二, 4月 04, 2006

【Mac】Mac OS X 10.4.6

Mac OS X 10.4.6 更新

建議所有的使用者皆安裝“10.4.6 更新”,它包含了一般操作系統修正,以及針對以下應用程式和技術的特定修正:

- 在各種不同網路環境中的登入和認證功能
- 使用 AFP 檔案共享的檔案存取與位元組範圍鎖定功能
- 使用代理伺服器自動設定檔時的網路連線
- 使用 IP/Sec 連接至 Cisco VPN 伺服器
- 使用 Bluetooth 無線裝置
- 使用 Spotlight 搜尋 iWork '06 和 Microsoft Office 文件
- 使用網路個人專屬目錄時自動儲存 Word 文件
- 為 iPhoto 6 製作 Automator 工作流程
- 將聯絡資訊和行事曆同步至 .Mac 和行動電話
- 裝載和卸除 iDisk 卷宗
- 與協力廠商應用程式和裝置的相容性
- 之前獨立的安全更新項目



The 10.4.6 Update is recommended for all users and includes general operating system fixes, as well as specific fixes for the following applications and technologies:

- login and authentication in a variety of network environments
- file access and byte range locking with AFP file sharing
- network access when using proxy server automatic configuration files
- connecting to Cisco VPN servers using IP/Sec
- using Bluetooth wireless devices
- searching iWork and Microsoft Office documents with Spotlight
- saving Word documents automatically when using a network home directory
- creating Automator workflows for iPhoto 6
- synchronizing contacts and calendars to .Mac and mobile phones
- mounting and unmounting iDisk volumes
- compatibility with third party applications and devices
- previous standalone security updates

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n303410

Mac OS X 10.4.6 Combo for PPC

Mac OS X 10.4.6 Combo for Intel

Mac OS X 10.4.6 for PPC

Mac OS X 10.4.6 for Intel

星期二, 3月 14, 2006

【Mac】Security Update 2006-002 v1.1

系統安全更新 2006-002 v1.1,修正了在這禮拜所發佈的 2006-002 中所發現,在軟體更新後某些用戶遭遇 Safari 執行程式資料毀損的問題。跟上次一樣,這次更新也包含了 apache_mod_php、CoreTypes、LaunchServices、Mail、rsync,以及 Safari 等套件內容。而 v1.1 同樣包含了之前所推出的 2006-001 中所有套件內容。

About this update

Security Update 2006-002 is recommended for all users and improves the reliability and security of the following components:

Additionally, this update incorporates Security Update 2006-001, which improves the security of the following components:

Directory Services



星期三, 3月 08, 2006

30分鐘 即可破解Mac OS X? Mac安全嗎?

最近Mac的網路安全的問題一直浮現,使用者對Mac OS X的作業系統安全也感到存疑,是否這樣的不安全呢?我們來看看兩篇報導,再來做評論。

30分鐘 即可破解Mac OS X?

上個月OS X駭客比賽的勝利者表示,取得麥金塔電腦(Mac)的root存取權限,是輕而易舉的事。

一名瑞典籍麥金塔電腦玩家2月22日用自己的Mac Mini充當伺服器,廣邀駭客破解這台電腦的安全防護,看誰先取得root存取權限。取得root存取權限,可讓駭客接管整台電腦,刪除檔案和資料夾,或安裝應用程式。


贏得比賽的駭客要求匿名,只許ZDNet Australia以「Gwerdna」代號稱呼他。他說,不消半個鐘頭,他就取得那台麥金塔電腦的root控制權。

Gwerdna告訴ZDNet Australia「也許花了20或30分,就拿下那台機器的root權限。我先搜尋那台電腦,看有沒有某些設定不當之處,和其他明顯的安全漏洞,但後來我決定利用一些尚未發表的攻擊程式(exploit)--其中不乏專門用來鑽Mac OS X漏洞的程式。」


Gwerdna說:「這台Mac的設定方式類似把Mac當作伺服器,同時為使用者執行眾多的遠端服務和本機服務......現在已有各種不同的Mac OS X強化指南,可用來強化機器的防護,但仍無法補強那個被我利用來取得存取權限的弱點。如果弱點沒人知道,沒人公布,你能做的實在有限。一種方法是使用額外的強化補帖,舉例說,就Linux而言就是PaX和Grsecurity修補程式,在系統上提供許多選項,並使用非執行記憶(nonexecutable memory),以防記憶毀損引發的駭客入侵。」

他的結論是,OS X內含易於侵入的安全漏洞,可讓駭客侵入蘋果的作業系統。

「Mac OS X的弱點很容易就找得到。不過,因為市場占有率不大,所以吸引不了真正要找碴者的興趣,」Gwerdna說。

數周來,蘋果的OS X挨轟,先後出現兩種病毒,以及許多重大安全漏洞。蘋果電腦公司事後已亡羊補牢。


不服輸 工程師再度挑戰OS X駭客

美國威斯康辛大學系統工程師Dave Schroeder再次邀請全球駭客挑戰他的Mac電腦,他表示稍早前的初賽太過容易。

Schroeder邀請駭客闖進他使用Mac OS X 10.4.5最新安全更新版的Mac Mini電腦,更改當中的首頁。他在個人網站上表示,該系統有兩個區域帳號,和SHH及HTTP入口 – 遠多於大多數的Mac OS X系統。Secure Shell,簡稱SSH,是網路電腦安全登入與執行命令的協定;HTTP(超文件傳輸協定)則是網路上普遍使用的資訊傳輸協定。

這場線上挑戰原訂10日結束,但由於反應熱烈,截止時間提前到美西時間7日晚間10點。Schroeder在電話訪問中表示:「這台小Mac Mini能支撐這麼久真是驚人,它遭受了猛烈的攻擊。(這場比賽)得到爆炸性的迴響,這不是一場真正、官方的測試:純粹是為了學術興趣。」

稍早的挑戰中,一位匿名駭客宣稱在30分鐘內,就利用一個未曝光的弱點攻入OS X。不過,第一次挑戰時,攻擊者已經有使用者存取權限,而非將駭客完全擋在門外。Schroeder在電郵回函中寫道:「原始的挑戰是任何擁有區域帳號的人,都能透過SHH進入系統。這是個重要的區別,因為如果你對一台電腦有區域 – 或實體的 – 帳號,你在提高本身權限的能力上,就佔有明顯的優勢。」

媒體稍早的報導均未提及駭客其實有本地存取權限,使得Schroeder再次提出挑戰。他說:「原始的報導讓讀者誤以為Mac OS X只要連上網路就很容易被駭。」


SANS Institute首席研究員Johannes Ullrich指出,對於使用蘋果電腦作業系統的網路代管商而言,這也是一大問題。共用一台機器的顧客都需要存取權限以更新他們的網站,一個權限升級的瑕疵,就能讓惡意使用者得到完全控制系統的入口。

在此之前,安全業者接連發現兩隻針對OS X的蠕蟲,和一個被列為「極度危急」的安全弱點。蘋果最新釋出的補救程式,也遭安全專家質疑其效果不彰。Schroeder準備詳細檢查Mac的記錄檔,公佈任何有趣的地方。他說:「我知道提前結束會讓很多人失望。」





【ZDNet】Mac OS X hacked under 30 minutes
【老地方冰果室】抗議媒體標題殺人 美大學網管挑戰駭客
rm my Mac
Wikipedia:Comparison of OS

星期三, 3月 01, 2006

【Mac】iTune 6.0.4、iPhoto 6.0.2、Security Update 2006-001、FrontRow 1.2.1、GarageBand 3.0.1

iTune 6.0.4

iTunes 6.0.3 includes stability and performance improvements over iTunes 6.0.2.

iPhoto 6.0.2

Resolves several minor issues with playing shared slideshows in Front Row.

Security 2006-001

About Security Update 2006-001 Mac OS X 10.4.5 (PPC)
Security Update 2006-001 is recommended for all users and improves the security of the following components.

Directory Services

FrontRow 1.2.1
With Front Row, you can enjoy full-screen music, photos, videos, and DVDs on your Macintosh using a simple Apple remote control. This Front Row update improves compatibility with iTunes and iPhoto sharing.

This version of Front Row requires a Macintosh computer with:
-Built-in infrared (IR) receiver
-Mac OS X v10.4.5 or later
-iTunes 6.0.4 and iPhoto 6.0.2 or later
How to Instal FrontRow in Your Mac

GarageBand 3.0.1
GarageBand 3.0.1 addresses an issue with Podcast production using the French or Finnish localized versions.

星期二, 2月 28, 2006

【Mac】New Mac Mini & iPod Hi-Fi

這次在美國加州的蘋果電腦總部,Steve Jobs宣佈推出兩樣新產品,分別是 iPod Hi-Fi 與使用 Intel 處理器的 Mac mini

Intel inside Mac mini

Apple's new Mac mini is available in two configurations, one sporting a 1.5GHz Core Solo processor for $599 and one with a 1.67GHz Core Duo processor for $799. Both systems, which mimic the form-factor of their predecessors, include iLife '06, Front Row, and the Apple remote control.

Both configurations feature 2MB of L2 cache, a 667MHz frontside bus, 512MB of RAM, AirPort Extreme, and Bluetooth 2.0. The low-end model packs a 60GB hard drive and combo drive, while the high-end features an 80GB hard drive and SuperDrive. Graphics are powered by Intel's GMA950 processor with 64MB of memory, supporting resolutions up to 1920x1200 but delivering marginal gaming performance. The new Mac mini also packs four USB ports and now features optical minijack digital audio in and out.

配備了 Intel Core 處理器的 Mac mini ,包括了 1.5GHz Intel Core Solo 與 1.66GHz Core Duo 處理器兩種規格,皆擁有 2MB L2 快取記憶體、 667MHz 前端匯流排、 512MB 隨機記憶體(兩排 DIMMs 上 512MB 的 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-5300),支援最高達 2GB)、各配有60GB、80GB的硬碟、 Intel GMA950 圖形處理器/64MB 記憶體、內建 AirPort Extreme 與藍芽 2.0 無線網路與傳輸、 10/100/1000 Gigabit 乙太網路、 Apple Remote 多媒體遙控器…等。

iPod Hi-Fi

he iPod Hi-Fi "delivers breathtaking acoustic performance and room-filling sound unlike any other speaker system designed for the iPod," Apple said in a press release. Apple CEO Steve Jobs called the Hi-Fi the reinvention of the home stereo, billing the system as the "first iPod accessory that adds true high-fidelity sound quality to the iPod." The iPod Hi-Fi features an all-in-one design that can be powered either from an international power outlet or by six D-cell batteries. An integrated dock connector, remote control, and standard auxiliary-in mini-jack round out the features. The iPod Hi-Fi is available now for US$349.
長相有些像一般 5.1 聲道的中置喇叭的 iPod Hi-Fi ,也可視為一種 iPod 專用的街用 BoomBox。其體積為 43.18 x 16.76 x 17.53 公分,重 6.6 公斤;可直接插電,或以一號電池 (D Cell) 來供電以便自由移動與擺放位置;頂端具備標準的 iPod dock 可直接安放 iPod ,在 Dock 前方有音量調整觸控按鈕;號稱具備優美動聽的播音表現,且適合室內播放的音域與寬廣反應頻率。

Apple iPod 真皮皮套

Also available now from Apple are three leather cases for the iPod nano, 30GB iPod, and 60GB iPod. The cases completely wrap your iPod in high-end hide that will set you back $99.
Steve Jobs 也在今天發表了由蘋果電腦所設計的 iPod 皮套,與一般常見的 iPod 保護套不同的,這個皮套並不具有顯示窗,所以使用者在需要調控 iPod 時必須把 iPod 自皮套中取出。Apple iPod 真皮套一共有三款,可供 iPod 30G、iPod 60G 以及 iPod nano 使用,每組的價格為美金 $99 元。今天所發表的各項產品均自即日起開始出貨。

Apple Taiwan
Intel Mac mini: What you need to know
Opening up the Intel Mac mini

星期四, 2月 16, 2006

【Mac】Mac OS X 10.4.5、iLife 06 多款軟體更新

Mac OS X 10.4.5更新上線

推薦所有使用者使用“10.4.5 更新”,它包含了一般的作業系統修正,以及對以下應用程式和技術的特定修正:

- iChat 視訊會議
- Safari 網頁算圖
- Dashboard 和 widget 的使用
- 檢視位於防火牆後的 QuickTime 串流媒體
- 在某些 Epson 印表機機型上進行列印
- iDisk 和 Portable Home Directory 同步
- 2006 年和 2007年的時區和夏令時間
- 使用 NAT 時,連接 Cisco 伺服器的 VPN 連線
- 與協力廠商應用程式和裝置的相容性
- 之前獨立的安全更新項目

10.4.5 Update is recommended for all users and includes general operating system fixes, as well as specific fixes for the following applications and technologies:

-Address Book, AppleScript, Automator, Dictionary and Font Book
-iCal, iChat, DVD Player, Mail, Preview, Safari and Stickies
-Disk Utility, Keychain Access, Migration Assistant, Software Update
-usability of Dashboard and widgets
-viewing of QuickTime streaming media behind a firewall
-time zone and daylight savings for 2006 and 2007
-RAW camera support, including updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
-sharing using AFP, SMB/CIFS, NFS and FTP file sharing protocols
-reliable access to Open Directory, LDAP and Active Directory services
-VPN connections to Cisco servers when using NAT
-AirPort and Bluetooth wireless connectivity
-compatibility with third party applications and devices
-previous Mac OS X updates and standalone security updates


iLife 06 更新

此 iDVD 6 的更新項目解決了與其他 iLife 應用程式的整合、輸入傳統計畫案和部分主題有關的問題。它同時也解決了一些其他小問題。
iDVD 6.0.1 update addresses issues with integration with the other iLife applications, importing of legacy projects and some theme related issues. It also addresses a number of other minor issues. Recommended for all customers using iDVD 6.0.

此 iPhoto 更新項目解決了使用 photocasting、在大型圖庫中檢視縮覽圖,以及排序卡片、月曆和攝影集的問題。同時也修正了一些其他的小問題。

iMovie HD更新
iMovie HD 6 的更新項目改進了 Ken Burns 算圖的執行效能、“滑動桿”編輯的執行效能,以及主題影像的品質。它也解決了一些其他較小的問題。
iMovie HD 6.0.1 resolves issues with Ken Burns rendering performance, Scrubber Bar editing performance and theme image quality. It also addresses a number of other minor issues. Recommended for all customers using iMovie HD 6.0.

此 iWeb 1.0 更新項目解決了與發佈和部落格相關的問題。它同時也解決了一些其他小問題。
iWeb 1.0.1 update addresses issues related to publishing, blogs and other issues.
These include:
Page names and numbering
.Mac slideshow image loading
Photocast icon and Photocast URL
Movie preview

有了 iTunes 6,您可以預覽、購買和下載 iTunes Music Store 內超過 2,000 個音樂錄影帶和熱門電視節目,而且還可以將您的音樂和購買的視訊同步到 iPod 以便隨處攜帶享用。若要觀賞已購買的視訊,您必須使用 QuickTime 7.0.3 或以上版本和 Mac OS X 10.3.9 或以上版本。

相較於 iTunes 6.0.2,iTunes 6.0.3 提供了數個穩定性和執行效能的改進項目。

注意:當您使用 iTunes 6 或以上版本從 iTunes Music Store 購買音樂之後,您其他從 iTunes Music Store 購買音樂的電腦也必須升級至 iTunes 的最新版本。
iTunes 6.0.3 includes stability and performance improvements over iTunes 6.0.2.

星期二, 2月 14, 2006









異議作家Liu Xiaobo說:「這和你點選連結但看不到內容的情況不同。至少你看得出哪些資訊遭到攔截。但新的Google服務把資訊檢查的黑手給藏起來了。」








該問題已在蘋果的討論區流傳多時,但直到蘋果的遙控媒體軟體Front Row推出後,才特別受到注意。遭逢這項問題的使用者Mike Stanton Sr.指出:「進入Front Row的選單,你的螢幕將出現一條條的白線。」

開設游泳池和水療館的Stanton Sr.表示,這種稱為「影像分裂」的白線,在移動iCal視窗與使用某些iMovie功能時,都會出現。

蘋果的代表如此解釋:「蘋果已注意到這個問題且正在調查。若顧客有任何技術上的問題,應主動聯絡AppleCare。」採用英特爾晶片的新iMac,上個月才在舊金山的Macworld Expo正式推出。


American Technology Research分析師Shaw Wu上週五公布的調查報告指出,上述問題並不嚴重,不會導致任何回收行動。他說:「我們認為這項與Front Row相關的影音問題,可輕鬆地藉由軟體更新解決。」


星期五, 1月 13, 2006



Dell XPS Mobile 概念電腦

它是一台實實在在、創新概念的個人電腦。XPS Mobile 為一台全功能型電腦,約八公斤重,搭載 20吋螢幕、八聲道喇叭,和 Windows XP Media Center Edition 作業系統。內建藍芽鍵盤和藍芽搖控,還有 DVI 輸出,可以將影像用其它顯示器表現。搭載雙硬碟和雙核心處理器。這樣的電腦取代桌上型來使用,可以像NB一樣攜帶的桌上型電腦,好像也不錯唷!

Toshiba 展示 WiFi 無線螢幕平板電腦

螢幕和機身雙分的概念型筆電。此款螢幕和機身分開的概念型筆電,靠得是 WiFi 無線網路的連結,讓使用者在享受便攜的同時還能操控自如。它同時還符合 DLNA(Digital Living Network Alliance)標準,也就是說,只要身在訊號範圍內,使用者可以抱著鍵盤四處遊走,一邊用液晶電視觀賞影片,一邊操作其它連線設備(前提是使用者家中 的電子設備皆已用 DLNA 標準相互串連起來)。

星期三, 1月 11, 2006


電訊網路近十年來進步飛快,以前只能在007電影或者其他科幻片才能看到的高科技產品,一一地在現實生活中實現了。由於3G網路開始推行,影像電話,高速數據傳輸,用一隻小小的手機就能達成許多功能的實現,而且速度還一直飆升,規格也相當多種。為了要支援行動TV及影像、網路高速存取等新型服務,3G的展開是勢在必行的。並且一般認為 W-CDMA HSDPA、 EUL 與新無線技術與規格等將會協助擴大 3G 的容許度。歐洲主導的W-CDMA、美國主導的CDMA 2000以及中國的TD-SCDMA為三大主流技術


cdma2000(MC-CDMA)最早是 Qualcomm 公司決策的下一代行動通性規格,ITU國際電信會議決策的 IMT-2000 標準之一。台灣也以此規格和 DS-CDMA(W-CDMA)來作為 3G 系統營運,也就是亞太對中華、台灣、遠傳。 和W-CDMA一樣都擁有「固網電話一般的良好音質」、「高速的資料傳送」的特點,資料傳輸速度在高速移動時為144kbps、行動時為384kbps、靜止時為2Mbps,跟GSM通信或 cdmaOne比起來資料傳輸能夠在更短的時間傳送。因此,cdma2000也好W-CDMA也好都能夠由系統商提供語音通話、多媒體資料傳輸,甚至是搭配電腦使用的行動上網卡服務等等,可說是不相上下。
目前的 「cdma2000 1x MC」 只要在語音通話的音質加強,資料傳輸最大速度到達 307kbps,而這是為了能夠符合 IMT-2000 規範而又能與舊有的 cdmaOne 資料庫相容過渡,加上能夠以相當程度的成本製造行動裝置。第二階段為 「cdma2000 1x EVDO」,將語音通話以數位資料化以封包傳送,如此一來資料傳輸和語音通話便無法同時進行,不過資料傳輸卻可以達到理想值最大 2.4Mbps 的(平均為600kbps),這種傳輸技術是來自於 cdmaOne 的專用規格「HDR」。融合 「cdma2000 1x MC」以及 「cdma2000 1x EVDO」的技術,將語音和資料傳輸的優點整合,完成第三階段的 「cdma2000 3x MC」,令人感動的最大使用三通道,又最大傳輸速度達到 2Mbps 將是 3G世代的最高極致。
目前國內提供 cdma2000 的系統商只有亞太電信一個,而一開始主打的高速傳輸上網等服務都沒有好好的經營,目前只主打語音通信低價的業務,而因此能夠保有良好的音質來作為口碑,倒也是白白浪費了高速傳輸的優勢以及優異的表現力,坦白的說,若要以優異音質及低價通話來作為賣點,其實倒不如採用 cdmaOne 可能比較不會可惜了空白部分,希望亞太能趕快振作,至少升級到 1x EVDO 跟其他 W-CDMA 陣營的一較高下! 而市面上的手機也絕大多數都是WCDMA,看來亞太要力拼其他電信業者,可真的要很拼囉!

什麼是HSPDA呢?他的完整名稱為High Speed Downlink Packet Access。速度能夠達到8~10Mbps (and 20 Mbps for MIMO systems) over a 5MHz bandwidth in WCDMA downlink。HSDPA提供了行動通訊系統實現多媒體服務所需的高數據傳輸速率,將提高系統的頻譜效率和資源利用率,有效提升網路性能和容量。HSDPA在3G產業鏈上的價值,促使全球主要的通信設備商皆加速支援HSDPA技術的WCDMA基礎設備的研發和生產。HSDPA是一個新的技術,併入於W-CDMA Release 5的規格,主要是對系統增加資料下鏈的傳輸速率與改善頻譜效率。一些主要的改變如新的通道、TDM與CDM技術的組合、利用適應性調變與編碼、HARQ以及將Scheduling移至Node B等。為了要對抗其他行動通訊系統在資料傳輸的優勢,W-CDMA的HSDPA勢必在未來的行動通訊戰場上,佔有一席之地。

Cingular launches their 3G BroadbandConnect network
3G 大紅牌之 CDMA2000 簡介
W-CDMA更上層樓 探討HSDPA技術的主要改變
你 3G 了嗎? 3G 技術 & 3G 現況完整剖析
威寶琵琶半遮面 3G 五雄到齊!
3G 玩樂好方便!3G 語音通話費率大全
3G 手機電視大特輯

【Mac】新年新氣象,New iMac、MacBook Pro、iLife 06、iWork 06

2006 Mac第一場新產品發表會終於在台北時間1/11凌晨一點登場了,這次更新的東西都是很實用的唷!像是iLife 06和iWork 06,應付一般軟體應用真是綽綽有餘,相信新的版本會帶來更便利的使用與效能,還有intel inside的Mac也在這次終於現身,代表著Mactel的時代來臨囉!我們就一一來看看這些新產品有何特色囉!
Macworld San Francisco 2006 Keynote

Aluminum 15" PB 電池更新

This update aids the 15-inch Aluminum PowerBook battery in performing at full capacity.

Quicktime 7.0.4

QuickTime 7.0.4 is an important release that delivers numerous bug fixes, support for iLife ’06, and H.264 performance improvements. This update is highly recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.

iTune 6.0.2

應該只是更正錯誤,還有支援QT7.0.4,以及新iLife '06的支援。

iPod Updater 2006-01-10

iPod Updater 2006-01-10 includes iPod Software 1.1 for the new iPod, new iPod Software 1.1 for iPod nano, new iPod Software 1.2.1 for iPod with color display, new iPod Software 1.4.1 for iPod mini, and new iPod Software 3.1.1 for iPod with Click Wheel. iPod Updater 2006-01-10 contains the same software versions as iPod Updater 2005-11-17 for all other iPod models.

What's new in iPod Updater 2006-01-10:
Support for the iPod Radio Remote for iPod with video and iPod nano
Bug fixes for iPod with video, iPod nano, iPod with color display, iPod mini, and iPod with Click Wheel

iLife '06

蘋果電腦除了讓新款電腦亮相外,單套定價 79 美元、家庭包 99 美元的全新 iLife '06功能也推陳出新。蘋果電腦執行長 Jobs 表示, iLife '06 所提供的功能迎合目前的數位生活風格,是有史以來最令人興奮的更新。iLife '06新功能包含有:

The new application iWeb, is an web page creating tool from Apple with Apple-designed Templates, easy, flexible website creation, iLfe Media Browser, Blogging, Podcasting, and one-click .Mac Publishing.
iWeb 是 iLfe 中的全新成員,與 iPhoto 等其他軟體成員緊密結合,將部落格、照片、音樂、電影等影音多媒體內容分享至網路上。 iWeb 提供了許多精美網站設計版型能讓使用者快速建置精彩的網頁,同時還能自動產生 RSS 的標題;使用者無須具備專業的 HTML 知識與製作技巧,就可快速製作出十分專業的網頁。

iPhoto 6 offers faster performance, support for up to 250,000 photos and introduces Photocasting, an innovative new way to share photos directly from within iPhoto via .Mac to friends and family. Photocasting is like Podcasting for photos where anyone can subscribe to a published photo album and automatically receive full quality photos directly within iPhoto 6 or on a PC. Pictures automatically update when the owner adds, edits or deletes a photo within the published album. Up to eight photos can be compared simultaneously and adjusted with a one-click image enhancements and effects panel. Professional-quality books, calendars and greeting cards are created easily by adding photos to Apple-designed themes.
iPhoto 最為人所詬病的慢速度已經獲得重大改善,照片資料庫上限也從原有的 2 萬 5 千張爆增至 25 萬張,即便是在 25 萬張滿載的情況下依然可平順捲動與使用全螢幕編輯。使用者可以透過簡單易用的特效面板工具,對可達 8 張照片同時進行快速的編輯與比較。此外 iPhoto 也增加了「Photocasting」的功能,將照片上傳至 .Mac 讓他人訂閱。

iMovie HD 6 introduces new Apple-designed motion themes that let users add Hollywood-style production value to their movies in minutes. Effects can be previewed without waiting with new real-time Core Video effects, while cinematic titling gives users flexibility to create incredible text effects. New audio enhancement tools and sound effects make movies sound as good as they look. Multiple projects can now be opened at once in iMovie HD 6 and clips can be moved among projects. iMovie HD is the easiest way to make a video Podcast which can be published with iWeb for the whole world to experience.
iMovie HD 朝著專業視訊製作軟體逼近,擁有更強勁的功能,包括了新增了讓使用者立即預視結果的 Core Video 技術視效、增強音效呈現的全新聲音工具、更酷眩的標題文字特效,而且還可以輸出視訊檔案至 iPod 製作 video Podcast 。更棒的,是 iMovie HD 終於可同時開啟多個專案檔案,讓使用者在專案之間自由剪貼編輯。

iDVD 6 allows users to take content shot with the latest HDV and widescreen DV cameras and author custom DVDs with widescreen menus, movies and high resolution slideshows that fill every inch of the newest widescreen TVs. iDVD 6 features 10 new Apple-designed menu themes in both widescreen (16:9) and standard (4:3) formats. iDVD 6 themes include new autofill drop zones to make customizing menus even easier. In addition, iDVD 6 can burn using compatible third-party DVD burners. iDVD 6 also includes new Magic iDVD, the easiest way ever to make a DVD. With just a few clicks, users select a theme and choose their movies and photos, Magic iDVD then automatically creates a complete DVD that’s ready to burn.
iDVD 新增了 10 個 16:9/4:3 的選單主題設計、讓使用者製作選單時更方便的功能設計,並能使用一般廠商推出的 DVD 燒錄機。新增的 Magic iDVD 功能能讓使用者選擇完主題並選取影片與照片等幾個步驟就完成 DVD 的製作工作。

GarageBand 3 is now also a complete solution for creating professional quality Podcasts. Voices can easily be recorded using the built-in expertise of an audio engineer and Podcasts can be enhanced with radio-style sound effects and music jingles, chapter artwork and URL links. Talk show Podcasts are created by interviewing one or more guests simultaneously in iChat AV and recording directly into GarageBand 3. Podcasts can be posted for the world to enjoy on .Mac and submitted to iTunes using iWeb. In addition, a new video track makes it easy to create music to score iMovie projects.
GarageBand 對於 Podcast 製作人來說實在是太棒了!其全新的「Podcast Studio」提供了兩百餘種免費特殊音效、百餘種的免費罐頭音效,此外還有使聲音聽起來更專業的語音強化功能、使用 iChat 進行訪談錄製,並可透過 iWeb 就可將製作好的音訊檔案變成 Podcast 等強大功能。

iWork '06


Pages 2 also features two dozen new templates for newsletters, flyers, posters, school reports, scrapbooks, brochures, business proposals and invoices to give users a head start in creating custom documents. New thumbnail and search views make it easy to work with large documents and quickly find any word or phrase within a document.
Pages 具備全新的版型讓使用者快速取用、能隨意更改視角與表面材質的 3D 圖表、隨意造型暨貝茲 (Bezier) 曲線和遮罩製作、具有加/乘/平均…等簡易計算功能的表格、與通訊錄 (Address Book) 進行郵件合併列印 (Mail Merge)與製作人備註等。

Keynote 3 offers more ways to create cinema-quality presentations and interactive slideshows with new features designed to bring those presentations to life. The new version features new cinematic transitions including vertical or horizontal blinds, revolving door, and swoosh. Additionally, the application offers even more Apple-designed themes, including four specifically designed to take advantage of HD displays. A new Light Table view mode makes it easy to view an entire presentation at-a-glance and reorganize slides using drag and drop while flexible build animations provide more control of bullet lists, tables and charts including unique timing and sequence of individual bullets, rows, columns or series.
Keynote 提供了全新的 HD 主題、電影級視覺特效、能隨意更改視角與表面材質的 3D 圖表、隨意造型暨貝茲 (Bezier) 曲線和遮罩製作、具有加/乘/平均…等簡易計算功能的表格、與製作人備註等。

iWork '06 supports a wide range of industry standard file formats including Microsoft PowerPoint and PDF. Keynote 3 imports and exports PowerPoint files and exports presentations to QuickTime, Macromedia Flash, HTML and iLife. Pages 2 imports and exports Microsoft Word, RTF, HTML and plain text files. Both Keynote 3 and Pages 2 export to PDF and import associated AppleWorks files.
iWork '06

Mac OSX 10.4.4

The 10.4.4 Update delivers overall improved reliability and compatibility for Mac OS X v10.4 and is recommended for all users.

It includes fixes for:
- SMB/CIFS and NFS network file services
- Bluetooth wireless access
- Core Graphics, Core Audio, Core Image, RAW camera support, including updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
- Spotlight indexing and searching
- AppleScript, iChat, DVD Player, and Safari applications
- Dashboard widgets: Calendar and Stocks
- Software Update and Sync Services
- compatibility with USB and FireWire devices and third party applications
- previous standalone security updates

download Mac OS X 10.4.4 Update (55MB)

download Mac OS X 10.4.4 Combo Update (120MB)


採用新的Intel Core Duo雙核心,包括桌上型的 iMac 以及取代 PowerBook 的筆記型電腦 MacBook Pro。

iMac with Intel Core Duo

新舊版 iMac 之間最大的差異,還是在 CPU 的效能上。依照Apple的測試表示新款iMac會比原本使用G5的快上兩倍,雖然不知道是否真有如此神速,還是令人期待它的表現。
The new iMac has following specification:
1.83GHz or 2GHz Intel Core Duo processor
2MB shared L2 cache at full processor speed
667MHz system bus
512MB of PC2-5300 (667MHz) DDR2 SDRAM expandable to 2GB
160 or 250GB 7200-rpm Serial ATA hard disk drive
8x SuperDrive
ATI Radeon X1600 graphics processor using PCI Express with 128 MB of GDDR3 video memory
The 1.83GHz 17-inch model is priced at US$1299; the 2.0GHz 20-inch model is priced at US$1699.
All comes with the new iLife '06 software.
new iMac
奔向未來 Apple Intel iMac

MacBook Pro with Intel Core Duo

這台採用新型高亮度 15.4 吋液晶顯示幕和更薄機身的新電腦在外觀上與 PowerBook G4 頗為類似,但是具有許多值得注意的新設計:首先這是蘋果第一台內建有 iSight 攝影機與紅外線遙控器界面的筆記型電腦,MacBook Pro 也首度採用了以磁性方式連接機身的 MagSafe 電源接頭。根據蘋果的官方數據,MacBook Pro 的運算效能平均要比 PowerBook G4 快上四倍有餘。但也少了Firewire 800、S端子、數據機。
You’ve dreamed about it long enough. Now it has a name: MacBook Pro. Powered by a dual-core Intel engine. Up to four times the speed of the PowerBook G4. Eight times the graphics bandwidth. With built-in iSight for instant video conferencing on the move. And Front Row with Apple Remote to dazzle everyone in the room. Wait no more. MacBook Pro starts at just $1999.
Currently there are two models, available in February.
5.6lbs. iSight, Front Row;
1.67GHz Core Duo, 667MHz FSB, 512MB RAM, 80GB SATA HDD, 4x Superdrive, ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 (128MB GDDR3) for US$1999
1.83GHz Core Duo, 1GB RAM, 100GB SATA HDD , 4x Superdrive, ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 (256MB GDDR3) for US$2499
All MacBook Pro comes with Apple Remote, Front Row, iLife '06, Photo Booth software, iSight built-in and uses ATI Mobility Radeon X1600, dual-link DVI built-in for connecting to the 30-inch Apple Cinema Display HD display.
MacBook Pro

iPod FM

The iPod Radio Remote combines the convenience of a wired remote control with new FM radio capabilities for the iPod nano and fifth generation iPod. Skip tracks and adjust the volume of an iPod even when it’s in a pocket or backpack. Listen to FM radio stations while displaying station and song information on the iPod screen.
iPod Radio Remote is priced at US$49, and includes a pair of earphones.
iPod FM Radio