QuickTime 7.1
QuickTime 7.1 is an important release that delivers numerous bug fixes, support for iLife ’06, and H.264 performance improvements. This update is highly recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.
新版本 提供了數個重要的錯誤修正,並解決了嚴重的安全性問題。強烈建議所有的 QuickTime 7 使用者進行更新。
Security Update 2006-003
建議所有使用者都安裝 Security Update 2006-003,它為以下組件增進了安全性:
AppKit , Bom , CFNetwor , CoreFoundation , CoreGraphics , curl , Finder , Flash Player Plug-in , ImageIO , LaunchServices , Mail , Preview , QuickDraw , Ruby , Safari , securityd
Front Row 1.2.2
Bugs fixed in 1.2.2 include:
- Addresses bugs that prevented song shuffling within playlists
- Front row no longer says the server was not found when its waiting for a large movie trailer or long shared video to load
- Corrects bugs that prevented authorized Audible Audiobooks from playing
- Fixes a variety of DVD compatibility issues
- Purchased movies located in the Movies folder are now correctly recognized
- Includes a variety of fixes for VoiceOver accessibility
- Fixes a bug that prevented Front Row from reconnecting to shared video libraries after wake from sleep
FrontRow 1.2.2 則是改進了播放 iTunes 音樂列表、連線觀看預告片時找不到伺服器、DVD 播放相容性、語音控制等問題,新版 FrontRow 也新增了全螢幕播放的功能。使用者可直接使用軟體更新來安裝這些項目,或是至蘋果官方的支援網頁下載更新檔案自行安裝。