【iTune 6.0.5】
- With iTunes 6, you can preview, buy, and download music videos, short films, and hit TV programs on the iTunes Music Store, and sync your music and purchased videos with iPod to enjoy on the go.
iTunes 6.0.5 allows you to sync your Nike + iPod workout data to nikeplus.com, where you can easily track your progress, set training goals, challenge others, and much more. Visit the Nike Sport Music area on the iTunes Music Store to download workout mixes, Athlete Inspiration playlists, Nike podcasts, and more.
Note: After purchasing music from the iTunes Music Store with iTunes 6 or later, you also need to upgrade your other computers that purchase music from the iTunes Music Store to the latest version of iTunes.
下載位置 19.8MB
【iPod Updater 2006-06-28】
About iPod Updater 2006-06-28
iPod Updater 2006-06-28 includes:
-New iPod Software 1.1.2 for iPod
-New iPod Software 1.2 for iPod nano
-New iPod Software 1.1.4 for iPod shuffle
iPod Updater 2006-06-28 contains the same software versions as iPod Updater 2006-03-23 for all other iPod models.
To learn how to use your iPod with step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow movies, see the iPod tutorials at http://www.apple.com/support/ipod/howto/.
Click Learn More in each tutorial to see more great tips and instructions.
And be sure to check out iPod 101, our fun, free series of online courses that'll teach you everything about using iPod, iTunes, and the iTunes Music Store.
For more information, visit http://www.apple.com/support/ipod101/.
Note: If you aren't sure which iPod you have, and you want to find out if your iPod needs updating, follow the directions below to use iPod Updater 2006-06-28. If the software on your iPod can be updated, the Update button in the updater application will be available.
iPod Updater 2006-06-28 delivers the following software:
Features of iPod Software 1.1.2 for iPod:
-Bug fixes
Features of iPod Software 1.2 for iPod nano:
-Nike + iPod support
-Bug fixes
Features of iPod Software 1.1.4 for iPod shuffle:
-Volume limit
-Bug fixes
Note: iTunes 6.0.5 or later required to set a maximum volume limit for iPod shuffle. For information about how to set the maximum volume limit, open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes and Music Store Help.
System Requirements
To install and use iPod Software 1.1.2 for iPod, you need:
- An iPod
- A PC with a USB port or card (USB 2.0 recommended)
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
- iTunes 6 or later
- Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 or Elements 3.0
iTunes is included on the iPod + iTunes CD. To ensure you have the latest version of iTunes, go to http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/.
Note: iTunes versions earlier than 6 are supported for music, photo, and podcast syncing only and will not sync videos properly with iPod.
To install and use iPod Software 1.2 for iPod nano, you need:
An iPod nano
A PC with a USB port or card (USB 2.0 recommended)
Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
iTunes 4.9 or later
Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 or Elements 3.0
To install and use iPod Software 1.2.1 for iPod with color display, you need:
-An iPod with color display
-A PC with a high-power USB 2.0 port or card, or a FireWire port or card
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
- iTunes 4.7 or later
- Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 or Elements 3.0
Note: iTunes versions earlier than 4.9 are supported for music and photo syncing only and will not sync podcasts properly with iPod.
To install and use iPod Software 1.1.4 for iPod shuffle, you need:
- An iPod shuffle
- A PC with a USB port* or card
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
- iTunes 5.0.1 or later
Note: iTunes versions earlier than 4.7.1 are not supported and will not sync music properly with iPod shuffle.
*Some computers require either the optional iPod shuffle dock or a USB cable extender (sold separately).
To install and use iPod Software 1.4.1 for iPod mini and iPod Software 3.1.1 for iPod with Click Wheel, you need:
- An iPod mini or an iPod with Click Wheel
- A PC with a high-power USB 2.0 port or card, or a FireWire port or card
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
- iTunes 4.7 or later
Note: iTunes versions earlier than 4.9 are supported for music syncing only and will not sync podcasts properly with iPod.
To install and use iPod Software 2.3 for iPod with dock connector, you need:
- An iPod with dock connector
- A PC with a high-power USB 2.0 port or card, or a FireWire port or card
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
- iTunes 4.7 or later
To install and use iPod Software 1.5 for iPod with touch wheel or scroll wheel, you need:
An iPod with touch wheel or scroll wheel
A PC with a FireWire port or card
Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
iTunes 4.7 or later
Using iPod Updater 2006-06-28
To install and open the iPod Updater:
1. Open iPodsetup.exe on the iPod + iTunes CD or from the web download at www.apple.com/ipod.
2. Connect your iPod to your computer. If you are using USB, make sure iPod is connected to a high-power USB port on your computer. Be aware that USB keyboards and non-powered USB hubs generally do not have high-power USB ports.
3. Run iPod Updater 2006-06-28.exe from Start\All Programs\iPod\iPod Updater 2006-06-28.
4. When iPod Updater opens, click Update or Restore.
Choosing Update or Restore
iPod Updater 2006-06-28 has two functions, Update and Restore.
Update: If you choose Update, the software on your iPod is updated with the new version of software. Songs and other data on iPod are not affected. If your iPod already has up-to-date software, the Update choice is not available. Restore: If you choose Restore, the entire contents of iPod are erased, all iPod settings are reset, and new software is installed.
WARNING: Choosing Restore erases all of the music and other data on iPod.
下載位置 49MB
[配件] MOFT Snap iPad保護殼+平板支架
平常我帶 iPad 出門會用兩種不同保護殼做替換 UAG Metropolis for iPad Pro 11" 一個是 UAG 的 Metropolis 保護殼,幾乎全都包,但缺點就是角度比較少,也有點厚重,但保護性相當不錯。 MOFT Float for iPad ...
星期五, 6月 30, 2006
星期四, 6月 29, 2006
【Mac軟體】Adobe Flash Player 9.0 & Yahoo Messenger 3.0beta1
Adobe 正式發表 Flash Player 9
繼前不久開放公開測試後,Adobe 在今天正式發表了 Flash Player 9。這個最新一代的 Flash 播放器除了具有安全性高以及速度提升等特點外,對於 Mac user 來說最重要的改進之處,就是 Adobe 將會在近期發表 Universal Binary 的版本。因此在未來 Intel Mac 的用戶也可以在原生的狀態下播放網路上的 Flash 動畫內容。
現在是使用 PowerMac 以及 Windows 的朋友們可以透過相關連結,前往 Adobe 的網站去下載正式版的 Flash Player 9 安裝程式。
Yahoo Messenger 3.0b1
Yahoo! 在今天發表了 3.0 測試版的 Yahoo Messenger 簡訊軟體。新版本的 YM 新增加了跨平台的視訊連線功能、多人語音會議、圖片顯示、Unicode 支援、檔案傳輸、手機簡訊等功能,其使用者界面也完全重新設計,使用 Mac OS X 的標準使用者界面外觀。Yahoo! 並表示在未來他們將會提供與 MSN 用戶傳送簡訊的能力。
您若也是 Yahoo Messenger 的用戶,不妨前往他們的網站去下載這個新版本的軟體回來使用看看。
Version 3.0b1:
* Entirely new user interface written in Cocoa designed specifically for the Mac OS X operating system
* Yahoo! Avatars and Display Images
* Custom stealth settings
* Webcam support, compatible across PCs and Macs
* Custom Status messages, including links to music tracks
* Animated sign-in, sign-out, and contact list
* All new sound effects
* Visual notifications with support for the Growl global notification system
* Alerts for Yahoo! Calendar, Mail and Personals
* Coming soon: In the future, support for interoperability with Windows Live (MSN) Messenger
繼前不久開放公開測試後,Adobe 在今天正式發表了 Flash Player 9。這個最新一代的 Flash 播放器除了具有安全性高以及速度提升等特點外,對於 Mac user 來說最重要的改進之處,就是 Adobe 將會在近期發表 Universal Binary 的版本。因此在未來 Intel Mac 的用戶也可以在原生的狀態下播放網路上的 Flash 動畫內容。
現在是使用 PowerMac 以及 Windows 的朋友們可以透過相關連結,前往 Adobe 的網站去下載正式版的 Flash Player 9 安裝程式。
Yahoo Messenger 3.0b1
Yahoo! 在今天發表了 3.0 測試版的 Yahoo Messenger 簡訊軟體。新版本的 YM 新增加了跨平台的視訊連線功能、多人語音會議、圖片顯示、Unicode 支援、檔案傳輸、手機簡訊等功能,其使用者界面也完全重新設計,使用 Mac OS X 的標準使用者界面外觀。Yahoo! 並表示在未來他們將會提供與 MSN 用戶傳送簡訊的能力。
您若也是 Yahoo Messenger 的用戶,不妨前往他們的網站去下載這個新版本的軟體回來使用看看。
Version 3.0b1:
* Entirely new user interface written in Cocoa designed specifically for the Mac OS X operating system
* Yahoo! Avatars and Display Images
* Custom stealth settings
* Webcam support, compatible across PCs and Macs
* Custom Status messages, including links to music tracks
* Animated sign-in, sign-out, and contact list
* All new sound effects
* Visual notifications with support for the Growl global notification system
* Alerts for Yahoo! Calendar, Mail and Personals
* Coming soon: In the future, support for interoperability with Windows Live (MSN) Messenger
Technorati Tags: Mac
星期三, 6月 28, 2006
【Mac】Mac OS X 10.4.7 & QuickTime 7.1.2 Update
【Mac OS X 10.4.7】
Please Remember repair boot disk permissions before you update to 10.4.7.
Application --> Disk Utility --> choose Hard Disk --> Repair Disk permission
Now available through software update. Be sure to download PPC or Intel (two different files).
- The 10.4.7 Update is recommended for all users and includes general operating system fixes, as well as specific fixes for the following applications and technologies.
It includes fixes for:
- sharing using AFP, SMB/CIFS, NFS and FTP file sharing protocols
- reliable access to Open Directory, LDAP and Active Directory services
- login and authentication in a variety of network environments
- file access and byte range locking with AFP file sharing
- network access when using proxy server automatic configuration files
- connecting to Cisco VPN servers using IP/Sec and NAT
- AirPort and Bluetooth wireless connectivity
- RAW camera support, including updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
- usability of Dashboard and widgets
- searching iWork '06 and Microsoft Office documents with Spotlight
- saving Word documents automatically when using a network home directory
- viewing of QuickTime streaming media behind a firewall
- audio playback in QuickTime, iTunes, Final Cut Pro, and Soundtrack Pro applications
- ensuring icons are spaced correctly when viewed on desktop
- determining the space required to burn folders
- synchronizing contacts, bookmarks, and calendars to .Mac and mobile phones
- mounting and unmounting iDisk volumes
- time zone and daylight savings for 2006 and 2007
- Address Book, AppleScript, Automator, Dictionary, Font Book, iCal, iChat, DVD Player, Keynote, Mail, Preview, Safari, and Stickies
- Disk Utility, Keychain Access, Migration Assistant, and Software Update
- compatibility with third party applications and devices
- previous Mac OS X updates and standalone security updates
For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n303771. This is the delta update
Information for combined update
All updates could be found here.
For detailed information on Security Updates, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n61798.
推薦所有使用者使用“10.4.7 更新”,它包含了一般的作業系統修正,以及對以下應用程式和技術的特定修正。它包含以下修正:
- 防止發生 AFP 死結和連線斷開的情形
- 將 Adobe 和 Quark 文件儲存到 AFP 裝載的卷宗
- Bluetooth 檔案傳送、配對和連接 Bluetooth 滑鼠,以及同步至行動電話
- QuickTime、iTunes、Final Cut Pro 和 Soundtrack 應用程式中的音訊播放功能
- 當在桌面上檢視圖像時,確保圖像的間隔距離正確
- 判斷燒錄檔案夾所需的空間
- iChat 音訊和視訊連線,以及使用 AIM 建立聊天室
- 將檔案輸入到 Keynote 3
- 當使用 iCal 和 iPhoto 時的 PDF 工作流程
- 可靠地使用工作流程中的 Automator 動作
- 在“字體簿”中輸入和移除字體
- 同步位址、書籤、行事曆事件和檔案至 .Mac
- 與協力廠商應用程式和裝置的相容性
- 之前獨立的安全更新項目
【QuickTime 7.1.2】
QuickTime 7.1.2 addresses an issue previewing iDVD projects. This update is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.
QuickTime 7.1.2 解決了關於預覽iDVD計畫案的問題。建議所有 QuickTime 7 的使用者皆安裝此更新項目
Please Remember repair boot disk permissions before you update to 10.4.7.
Application --> Disk Utility --> choose Hard Disk --> Repair Disk permission
Now available through software update. Be sure to download PPC or Intel (two different files).
- The 10.4.7 Update is recommended for all users and includes general operating system fixes, as well as specific fixes for the following applications and technologies.
It includes fixes for:
- sharing using AFP, SMB/CIFS, NFS and FTP file sharing protocols
- reliable access to Open Directory, LDAP and Active Directory services
- login and authentication in a variety of network environments
- file access and byte range locking with AFP file sharing
- network access when using proxy server automatic configuration files
- connecting to Cisco VPN servers using IP/Sec and NAT
- AirPort and Bluetooth wireless connectivity
- RAW camera support, including updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
- usability of Dashboard and widgets
- searching iWork '06 and Microsoft Office documents with Spotlight
- saving Word documents automatically when using a network home directory
- viewing of QuickTime streaming media behind a firewall
- audio playback in QuickTime, iTunes, Final Cut Pro, and Soundtrack Pro applications
- ensuring icons are spaced correctly when viewed on desktop
- determining the space required to burn folders
- synchronizing contacts, bookmarks, and calendars to .Mac and mobile phones
- mounting and unmounting iDisk volumes
- time zone and daylight savings for 2006 and 2007
- Address Book, AppleScript, Automator, Dictionary, Font Book, iCal, iChat, DVD Player, Keynote, Mail, Preview, Safari, and Stickies
- Disk Utility, Keychain Access, Migration Assistant, and Software Update
- compatibility with third party applications and devices
- previous Mac OS X updates and standalone security updates
For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n303771. This is the delta update
Information for combined update
All updates could be found here.
For detailed information on Security Updates, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n61798.
推薦所有使用者使用“10.4.7 更新”,它包含了一般的作業系統修正,以及對以下應用程式和技術的特定修正。它包含以下修正:
- 防止發生 AFP 死結和連線斷開的情形
- 將 Adobe 和 Quark 文件儲存到 AFP 裝載的卷宗
- Bluetooth 檔案傳送、配對和連接 Bluetooth 滑鼠,以及同步至行動電話
- QuickTime、iTunes、Final Cut Pro 和 Soundtrack 應用程式中的音訊播放功能
- 當在桌面上檢視圖像時,確保圖像的間隔距離正確
- 判斷燒錄檔案夾所需的空間
- iChat 音訊和視訊連線,以及使用 AIM 建立聊天室
- 將檔案輸入到 Keynote 3
- 當使用 iCal 和 iPhoto 時的 PDF 工作流程
- 可靠地使用工作流程中的 Automator 動作
- 在“字體簿”中輸入和移除字體
- 同步位址、書籤、行事曆事件和檔案至 .Mac
- 與協力廠商應用程式和裝置的相容性
- 之前獨立的安全更新項目
【QuickTime 7.1.2】
QuickTime 7.1.2 addresses an issue previewing iDVD projects. This update is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.
QuickTime 7.1.2 解決了關於預覽iDVD計畫案的問題。建議所有 QuickTime 7 的使用者皆安裝此更新項目
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