
[配件] MOFT Snap iPad保護殼+平板支架

平常我帶 iPad 出門會用兩種不同保護殼做替換 UAG Metropolis for iPad Pro 11" 一個是 UAG 的 Metropolis 保護殼,幾乎全都包,但缺點就是角度比較少,也有點厚重,但保護性相當不錯。 MOFT Float for iPad ...

星期三, 6月 21, 2006

【Mac】iPhoto 6.0.4 & Aperture 1.1.2

Apple 在今天稍早貼出了 iLife '06 套件之一 iPhoto 6 的軟體更新。根據蘋果所附上的說明文件,這個軟體更新主要新增加了多款的圖片賀卡與明信片的樣板,另外也根據季節增添了夏季風格之派對請帖與謝卡設計,讓美國地區的使用者在利用 iPhoto 來訂製卡片時可以有更多的選擇。


About iPhoto 6
iPhoto has always been the best way to easily import photos from your digital camera, organize them for fast retrieval, and then share them with family and friends. Now you get even more with iPhoto 6.

Learn more about iPhoto.

For a complete list of new features and improvements in iPhoto 6, go to www.apple.com/iphoto, or look in iPhoto Help, available in the Help menu when iPhoto is open.

1. iPhoto print services are available in the U.S., Canada, Japan, and select European countries; Requires Internet access; Fees and terms apply.
2. .Mac account required for iPhoto Photocast publishing.
3. Mac OS X version 10.4.4 required for iPhoto Photocasts.

For optimum performance, update your system software to the latest version of Mac OS X.
To make sure you have the latest version, choose Apple (?) > System Preferences and click Software Update.
Click Update Now to retrieve updates for your system.
After you install an update, it?s a good idea to click Update Now again to make sure you?ve received all the updates that are available.
You must have a connection to the Internet to use Software Update.

For a list of printers and digital cameras that work with iPhoto, see the iPhoto website at www.apple.com/iphoto.

Installing iPhoto 6

Before installing, it is recommended that you make a backup copy of your iPhoto library folder, which is located in your Pictures folder.

If you receive a message that you do not have sufficient privileges to install this software, click the lock icon in the installer and enter an administrator user name and password.
The administrator name is shown in the Users pane of System Preferences.
For more information, see Mac Help, available in the Help menu.

Finding answers and instructions

-Application-specific Help: For detailed instructions on using iPhoto, open the onscreen help (available in the Help menu when iPhoto is open).

-Product Information: For general product information and updates, visit the iPhoto website at www.apple.com/iphoto.


Aperture 1.1.2

Designed from the ground up for professional photographers, Aperture provides everything you need for after the shoot, delivering the first all-in-one post-production tool for photographers.

Learn more about Aperture

What’s New in this Version
- Addresses issues related to overall reliability and performance.