
[配件] MOFT Snap iPad保護殼+平板支架

平常我帶 iPad 出門會用兩種不同保護殼做替換 UAG Metropolis for iPad Pro 11" 一個是 UAG 的 Metropolis 保護殼,幾乎全都包,但缺點就是角度比較少,也有點厚重,但保護性相當不錯。 MOFT Float for iPad ...

星期三, 6月 28, 2006

【Mac】Mac OS X 10.4.7 & QuickTime 7.1.2 Update

【Mac OS X 10.4.7】

Please Remember repair boot disk permissions before you update to 10.4.7.
Application --> Disk Utility --> choose Hard Disk --> Repair Disk permission

Now available through software update. Be sure to download PPC or Intel (two different files).

- The 10.4.7 Update is recommended for all users and includes general operating system fixes, as well as specific fixes for the following applications and technologies.
It includes fixes for:

- sharing using AFP, SMB/CIFS, NFS and FTP file sharing protocols
- reliable access to Open Directory, LDAP and Active Directory services
- login and authentication in a variety of network environments
- file access and byte range locking with AFP file sharing
- network access when using proxy server automatic configuration files
- connecting to Cisco VPN servers using IP/Sec and NAT
- AirPort and Bluetooth wireless connectivity
- RAW camera support, including updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
- usability of Dashboard and widgets
- searching iWork '06 and Microsoft Office documents with Spotlight
- saving Word documents automatically when using a network home directory
- viewing of QuickTime streaming media behind a firewall
- audio playback in QuickTime, iTunes, Final Cut Pro, and Soundtrack Pro applications
- ensuring icons are spaced correctly when viewed on desktop
- determining the space required to burn folders
- synchronizing contacts, bookmarks, and calendars to .Mac and mobile phones
- mounting and unmounting iDisk volumes
- time zone and daylight savings for 2006 and 2007
- Address Book, AppleScript, Automator, Dictionary, Font Book, iCal, iChat, DVD Player, Keynote, Mail, Preview, Safari, and Stickies
- Disk Utility, Keychain Access, Migration Assistant, and Software Update
- compatibility with third party applications and devices
- previous Mac OS X updates and standalone security updates

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n303771. This is the delta update

Information for combined update

All updates could be found here.

For detailed information on Security Updates, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n61798.

推薦所有使用者使用“10.4.7 更新”,它包含了一般的作業系統修正,以及對以下應用程式和技術的特定修正。它包含以下修正:

- 防止發生 AFP 死結和連線斷開的情形
- 將 Adobe 和 Quark 文件儲存到 AFP 裝載的卷宗
- Bluetooth 檔案傳送、配對和連接 Bluetooth 滑鼠,以及同步至行動電話
- QuickTime、iTunes、Final Cut Pro 和 Soundtrack 應用程式中的音訊播放功能
- 當在桌面上檢視圖像時,確保圖像的間隔距離正確
- 判斷燒錄檔案夾所需的空間
- iChat 音訊和視訊連線,以及使用 AIM 建立聊天室
- 將檔案輸入到 Keynote 3
- 當使用 iCal 和 iPhoto 時的 PDF 工作流程
- 可靠地使用工作流程中的 Automator 動作
- 在“字體簿”中輸入和移除字體
- 同步位址、書籤、行事曆事件和檔案至 .Mac
- 與協力廠商應用程式和裝置的相容性
- 之前獨立的安全更新項目



【QuickTime 7.1.2】

QuickTime 7.1.2 addresses an issue previewing iDVD projects. This update is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.

QuickTime 7.1.2 解決了關於預覽iDVD計畫案的問題。建議所有 QuickTime 7 的使用者皆安裝此更新項目


