
[配件] MOFT Snap iPad保護殼+平板支架

平常我帶 iPad 出門會用兩種不同保護殼做替換 UAG Metropolis for iPad Pro 11" 一個是 UAG 的 Metropolis 保護殼,幾乎全都包,但缺點就是角度比較少,也有點厚重,但保護性相當不錯。 MOFT Float for iPad ...

星期三, 9月 21, 2005

【Mac】Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Service Pack 2 (11.2.0)

久久沒更新的office 2004 for mac,今天帶來了Service Pack 2,增加了Microsoft Exchange Server的支援、效能、安全性和穩定性。還增加了International的校正工具。零零總總也修正了許多東西,有興趣的人可以來更新唷!
Office 2004 Improvements

Word 2004

Improved performance when using a scroll wheel.
Improved performance when formatting documents.
Improved encryption for password protected documents.

Excel 2004

Improved encryption for password protected documents.
Improved performance when using scroll wheel in Page Layout view.
Improved stability when opening spreadsheets from other Excel versions in Excel 2004.

PowerPoint 2004

Improved text compatibility with Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows.
Increased performance when using QuickTime movies in presentations.
Improved stability when opening presentations saved with Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows.

Entourage 2004 Exchange Server Support Improvements

Gain full access to your organization’s Global Address List information.
Provide delegate access to your Mail folders, Calendar and Address Book.
Share your Mail folders, Calendar and Address Book with assistants and colleagues.
Take advantage of improved public folder performance.
Receive password expiration notification before it expires.
View and manage how much disk space your Mail folders use to ensure you don’t exceed your organization’s set storage limits.

